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B4.Guide Personalized Learning With Data Insight


About This Course

Unleash the Power of Data-Driven Learning!In this course, you'll explore how data can revolutionize education by creating personalized learning experiences. We'll delve into the tools and techniques for analyzing student data to identify strengths, weaknesses, and improving their learning.;

Learning Outcomes

  • Personalized learning, what and how?
  • Description the Data Insight: data visualization and data description 
  • Model design; classroom action research, designing new task 
  • Utilize data for prediction analysis and prescriptive analysis
  • Model implementation on personalized learning through data

Course Modules

By the end of each module, you will be able to:

  • Modul 1 Guide Personalized Learning With Data Insight?
  • Modul 2 Introduction to Personalized Learning: What, Why and How?
  • Modul 3 Description of the Data Insight
  • Modul 4 Model Design
  • Modul 5 Predictive and Prescriptive Analysis
  • Modul 6 Solution


Course Length: 4 weeks (Approximately 6 hours per week)

Course Staff

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Teguh Prasandy, S. Pi., S. Kom., M. Kom.

Email: [email protected] 

Teguh Prasandy is a Faculty Member at PJJ Information System in Binus Online, Binus University. he graduated from Management Aquatic at Diponegoro University and Magister Information System at Diponegoro University. the specializing in Business Intelligence Group.

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Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit

Email: [email protected] 

Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.A., is a prominent Indonesian educator and information technology expert, currently serving as the Rector of Universitas Pradita. He is recognized for his significant contributions to research in informatics and digital technology and is a frequent speaker at seminars and workshops. Eko Indrajit has authored numerous books and journals, published both nationally and internationally. He is a member of the Central Board of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) and heads the PGRI Smart Learning and Character Center, focusing on the professional development of teachers and character education through technology and information.

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Bagus Jati Santoso, S.Kom, Ph.D

Email: [email protected] 

Bagus Jati Santoso, S.Kom, Ph.D, is a practitioner and activator for online learning and educational technology. He currently holds a teaching position in the Department of Informatics at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember in Surabaya and also serves as Head of Subdirectorate Academic Development in the same institution. His research primarily focuses on data engineering and computer security. Recognized for his experience, he frequently serves as a speaker and contributor at the national level on curriculum development and educational methods.

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Adhi Susilo, S.Pt., M.Biotech.St., Ph.D.

Email:  [email protected] 

Adhi Susilo, S.Pt., M.Biotech.St., Ph.D., is a lecturer in the Food Technology Department in Faculty of Science dan Technology in Universitas Terbuka Indonesia. His areas of interest include distance learning, learning analytics and educational technology. He earned his Bachelor of animal science degree from Jenderal Soedirman University, a Master of Biotechnology Study from Flinder University, South Australia, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Theory Implementation from Simon Fraser University, Canada

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FA Triatmoko HS., S.Psi., M.Si

Email:  [email protected] 

FA Triatmoko HS., S.Psi., M.Si is the head of Academic Reputation Enhancement at Universitas Indonesia. He graduated from Universitas Indonesia, majoring in educational psychology and specializing in online learning. Experienced in designing, developing, and evaluating online learning. Currently studying in a Ph.D. program in psychology.

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Ami Hibatul Jameel, S.Pd., M.A.

Email:  [email protected] 

is a lecturer in Educational Technology Study Program in the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Universitas Terbuka. She earned his Bachelor of Education degree from State Universiy of Jakarta, a Master of Art from The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. Her area of interest include e-learning and instructional design.
